WebWorldWind Formats

WebWorldWind provides support for a number of geographic formats. The general API approach for the format parsers is:

Before getting started on the format parsers let generate and add a RenderableLayer for use by the format parsers:

var formatsLayer = new WorldWind.RenderableLayer("Formats Demos");


  1. Let’s add a simple GeoJSON Polygon to globe. The GeoJSONParser can take the GeoJSON as an object model, stringified text, or a URL to the GeoJSON. In this case, let’s specify the GeoJSON data using a URL. We’re not providing a completion or shape configuration callback in the first two arguments. GeoJSONParser will utilize default callbacks if nothing is specified. We’ll only provide the layer we’d like the GeoJSON shape to be added; however, if no layer is provided the parser will create a layer and assign it to the parsers layer property:

     var geojsonDataAddress = "https://zglueck.github.io/workshop-demo/resources/data/ground-station-mask.geojson"
     var geojsonParser = new WorldWind.GeoJSONParser(geojsonDataAddress);
     geojsonParser.load(null, null, formatsLayer);
  2. Let’s add a notification that GeoJSON parsing is complete with a completion callback:

     var onLoad = function (layer) {
        var message = "GeoJSON loaded to the " + layer.displayName + " layer";

    Modify theload invocation to include the completion callback:

     geojsonParser.load(onLoad, null, formatsLayer);
  3. To change the visual attributes of the GeoJSON we’ll need to implement a shape configuration callback. The shape configuration callback includes information about the GeoJSON’s geometry and properties in the arguments. The geometry property is the geometry of the GeoJSON source and properties are attribute value pairs found in the GeoJSON feature properties member. Like most visual items in WebWorldWind, GeoJSON uses an attribute object to define appearance properties. In our shape configuration callback lets specify some attributes for the interior and outline of the GeoJSON shape:

     var onConfigureShape = function (geometry, properties) {
         var configuration = {};
         configuration.attributes = new WorldWind.ShapeAttributes();
         configuration.attributes.interiorColor = new WorldWind.Color(0, 0, 1, .25);
         configuration.attributes.outlineColor = new WorldWind.Color(0, 0, 1, 1);
         return configuration;

    Modify theload invocation to include the shape configuration callback:

     geojsonParser.load(onLoad, onConfigureShape, formatsLayer);
  4. The geometry property provided in the callback allows you to interogate the GeoJSON shape and assign attributes based on the type of shape. For a more in depth example, see the GeoJSON example (source, live demo) included in the repository.

Well Known Text (WKT)

  1. The WKT parser takes a text string during construction and then parses and displays the contents on the globe. Like GeoJSON, a load method invocation takes completion and configuration callbacks as well as a destination layer. Let’s add some sample shapes and a simple completion callback inline. Take note that the custom inline completion callback requires invocation of wkt.defaultParserCompletionCallback:

     var wktData = "POLYGON ((40 -70, 45 -80, 40 -90))";
     var wkt = new WorldWind.Wkt(wktData);
     wkt.load(function (wkt, objects) {
            alert("WKT Loaded");
            wkt.defaultParserCompletionCallback(wkt, objects);
        }, null, formatsLayer);
  2. Visual attribute customization is similar to GeoJSON. Let’s configure the color of different types of WKT objects using a custom shape configuration:

     var onConfigureShape = function(shape) {
        if (shape.type == WorldWind.WktType.SupportedGeometries.POLYGON) {
            var shapeAttributes = new WorldWind.ShapeAttributes(null);
            shapeAttributes.interiorColor = WorldWind.Color.GREEN;
            shapeAttributes.outlineColor = WorldWind.Color.BLUE;
            return {
                attributes: shapeAttributes

    The shape configuration callback passes the current WKT shape which is an extension of WktObject. We’re using the type property to identify specific types of WKT shapes to apply custom colors. For clarity, let’s remove the inline completion callback so the load invocation should now look like:

     wkt.load(null, onConfigureShape, formatsLayer);
  3. Take a look at the Well Known Text example which features live editing of well known text.


  1. Shapefile parsing takes the URL for the shapefile during construction and then utilizes the similar load invocation with callbacks as GeoJSON and Wkt. Let’s load a shapefile and customize the appearance with a custom shape configuration callback. We’ll use a Placemark for points and to customize the placemark appearance we need to define the PlacemarkAttributes:

     var placemarkAttributes = new WorldWind.PlacemarkAttributes(null);
     placemarkAttributes.imageScale = 0.025;
     placemarkAttributes.imageColor = WorldWind.Color.WHITE;
     placemarkAttributes.labelAttributes.offset = new WorldWind.Offset(
         WorldWind.OFFSET_FRACTION, 0.5,
         WorldWind.OFFSET_FRACTION, 1.0);
     placemarkAttributes.imageSource = WorldWind.configuration.baseUrl + "images/white-dot.png";
  2. Next, we can build a branching logic shape configuration callback. It will branch on the shapefile data type and apply either a Placemark, or random color for polygon types:

     var onConfigureShape = function (attributes, record) {
         var configuration = {};
         configuration.name = attributes.values.name || attributes.values.Name || attributes.values.NAME;
         if (record.isPointType()) {
             configuration.name = attributes.values.name || attributes.values.Name || attributes.values.NAME;
             configuration.attributes = new WorldWind.PlacemarkAttributes(placemarkAttributes);
             if (attributes.values.pop_max) {
                 var population = attributes.values.pop_max;
                 configuration.attributes.imageScale = 0.01 * Math.log(population);
         } else if (record.isPolygonType()) {
             configuration.attributes = new WorldWind.ShapeAttributes(null);
             // Fill the polygon with a random pastel color.
             configuration.attributes.interiorColor = new WorldWind.Color(
                 0.375 + 0.5 * Math.random(),
                 0.375 + 0.5 * Math.random(),
                 0.375 + 0.5 * Math.random(),
             // Paint the outline in a darker variant of the interior color.
             configuration.attributes.outlineColor = new WorldWind.Color(
                 0.5 * configuration.attributes.interiorColor.red,
                 0.5 * configuration.attributes.interiorColor.green,
                 0.5 * configuration.attributes.interiorColor.blue,
         return configuration;
  3. We now need to create the Shapefile object using the URL of the data and then load with our shape configuration callback and desired layer:

     var shapefileLibrary = "https://worldwind.arc.nasa.gov/web/examples/data/shapefiles/naturalearth";
     var worldShapefile = new WorldWind.Shapefile(shapefileLibrary + "/ne_110m_admin_0_countries/ne_110m_admin_0_countries.shp");
     worldShapefile.load(null, onConfigureShape, formatsLayer);
  4. Since we added generic branching logic to the shape configuration callback, we can reuse it with different data types:

     var cityShapefile = new WorldWind.Shapefile(shapefileLibrary + "/ne_50m_populated_places_simple/ne_50m_populated_places_simple.shp");
     cityShapefile.load(null, onConfigureShape, formatsLayer);


The format parsers allow GeoJSON, Well Known Text, and Shapefiles to be displayed in WebWorldWind. They utilize a similar pattern of initializing with the data source in the constructor then configuring and displaying with the invocation of the load method and the optional callbacks.

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